Singing Lessons and Vocal Coaching To Find Your Authentic Voice

Finding your own voice gives you confidence

I’m Paul Gasztold, some people call me Paul Fabulous.  I’ve been helping singers in the Toronto Beach Area as well as online.

Singers in these programs no longer feel the need to sound like another singer.

Why?  Discovering their own authentic real voice is way more fun.  It gives them a joy of singing with confidence, for many of them for the first time.

The best part of being themselves they find is that they can finally relax.  They enjoy hearing how their audience feels connected to them and appreciates their singing.

In these vocal programs you will learn my 3-step system to help you find that voice inside you that people will love.

If you are like the others in these programs, you will find that not only your voice  but your whole life improves because old protective layers are no longer needed… old fears fall away.

You become more free.  More real.  People gravitate towards you more.  People HEAR you at work and at home.  They find they resonate with you more and like you.


Singing and feeling connected

Here are the three steps in my 3-step vocal system:

  1. CONNECT your heart.
  2. REMOVE the blocks that are in the way to reveal your true voice.
  3. APPLY cutting edge vocal techniques used by the most popular Singers.

You will love singing when you feel CONNECTED.   People can feel your ENERGY and vibe which is what attracts them to you.

You also need to REMOVE BLOCKS in your voice that will allow your vocal cords to vibrate more easily.

All the Singers in these programs can sing very high notes with ease, even though most used to have a limited range.  Maybe high notes are challenging for you now, removing the blocks will help you tremendously.

Then you will  learn how to APPLY vocal methods used by many of the best teachers in Europe and North America.   These techniques create vocal breakthroughs.

And as you learn breathing and expand your vocal range you will notice those high notes becoming easy.   You can begin to sing the songs you always wanted to sing.


Mick started lessons because he wanted to be able to sing backup

BEFORE… Mick said his voice felt weak and thin.  His voice got tired easily.   High notes were difficult.

THEN… in eighteen months he surprised everyone when he replaced the awesome lead singer of his band.  His band members are loving his new voice.  You can hear Mick sing in Toronto in his smoking hot Soul band ‘Sons Of Rhythm’.


Luanne just wanted to sing well in her living room

BEFORE…Luanne felt shy to sing for others.  She admired the Singers at her local hangouts but had given up on the idea of singing anywhere other than in her own living room.  With the blinds drawn.

THEN…but then she totally surprised herself when she started singing in two local bands.  She found her audience loves her and then no one could not keep her off stage. You can hear Luanne sing in the Beaches in Toronto.

did not like the sound of her own voice

BEFORE…Steph didn’t feel confident singing harmony or singing for others.  It was uncomfortable for her because she didn’t think her voice was any good.

THEN…. after working together with me she started singing harmonies with friends around the campfire. which is something she had always wanted to do.

Today Stephanie  enjoys singing her heart out with her social groups.


READ These Two Articles!

1. Increasing Vocal Range – Secret To Hitting The High Notes

2. Do I have to be BORN with a good voice?  



If you are in Toronto or GTA you can come in person.  I’m in the beach.  Many also enjoy doing online remote video sessions because they can learn in their own home.

I have clients as far as India and Europe who do their sessions with me by phone or video each week.

You can reach me now right here… contact form

Thank you for reading.


With warmth,

Paul Fabulous Gasztold